Base: MAC Prep & Prime
Concealer: Trish McEvoy (3) OR Benefit Erase Paste
Powder: MAC Studio Fix (NC25)
Blush/Bronzer: MAC Mineralize Skin Finish
Powder Brush: Trish McEvoy (#M20)
Blush Brush: MAC (#168)
I've noticed a ton of new questions about my face make up lately, so I thought I would dedicate a full post solely to just that. Face make up can be sooooo important for so many reasons, to just name a few: 1. You don't want to ever be that girl whose face color doesn't match her neck color... (don't worry, we've all been offenders, just don't become a repetitive one!) 2. If used properly, foundation can actually help you glide through those annoying seasons of acne, which leads to 3. Its imperative to know how to put on the right amount of foundation... most guys (and girls actually) can't stand caked on makeup... the one time cake will ever have a negative connotation.
First I want to point out two things: I am not a professional makeup artist or beautician, so if I use the wrong verbiage, welp just keep my lack of professional experience in mind, ha. Secondly, none of this stuff was gifted or sponsored (trust me, I wish this stuff was free!) just my honest opinion on a few of my favorite products! Ok, lets get started.
1. This MAC Prep & Prime base is awesome, its actually my secret trick to avoiding liquid foundations! I apply one pump of it to my skin, followed by my concealer (more on that below) and then, while still mildly damp, I use my powder brush to apply my powder evenly. The dewiness of the primer mixes well with the MAC powder and creates really nice and even coverage.
2. In my world, there are two types of concealer days: the day when you have a very small blemish that needs basic blending in (on which I will use this Trish concealer), or the day when you have a your-life-is-ending-and-youre-calling-in-sick kind of animal that has burrowed in on your delicate face for the next week. Okay, dramatic? Yes, have I ever actually done that? No, but I have definitely thought about it. For some reason pimples have the ability to control all kinds of girly emotions. Stress no more ladies, Benefit has come to our rescue with Erase Paste, AND IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Trick is, you have to use it sparingly or it can become your enemy! I apply mine with a damp foundation brush (like this MAC one here) before my powder. Make sure to pick a shade that matches your skin tone, I use the lightest during the winter and the middle shade during the summer!
3. After my foundation is set, I use the Mineralize Skin Finish (in the rich gold color) to add some fierce contouring to my cheek bones. I apply this one with the #168 MAC brush. I think this is meant to be a bronzer, but I have always used it as my blush and get tons of compliments on it... so Im sticking with it ;-)
If any of you try out these products write me a message on how you liked them! Im interested to know if they work for you!
xoxo, shar